CCA Sponsors 7,000 Tickets for Students to Experience Auschwitz Exhibit

As part of CJP’s Center for Combating Antisemitism’s efforts to increase antisemitism and Holocaust education in the K-12 space, we are proud to support 7,000 K-12 school student visits to “Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away.,” a powerful exhibit at Park Plaza. Learn more about the exhibition, which spotlights more than 700 original artifacts from Auschwitz. We’re also excited to hear the feedback from educators and students!

“Thanks to your underwriting of our tickets, we were able to bring a group of over 180 10th graders to see the Auschwitz exhibit at the Castle.  I have to be honest, I’ve never seen such a large group of students so engaged in an experience.”

— Newton North High School 

At a time when alarming numbers of young people don’t know anything about the Holocaust, we need to ensure that every child understands this history, as well as contemporary antisemitism. 

“Our 12th-grade students are going to be visiting the Auschwitz exhibition in Boston at the end of May. I just received notice that our tickets to the exhibition were generously donated by this organization. Thank you so much for this gift!” 

— Milestones Day School & Transitions Program

We are grateful to partner with Facing History & Ourselves on follow-up educational materials, ensuring that students and teachers understand their crucial role in combating hate and evil in society.

Our students were well-behaved, reflective and thoughtful throughout the exhibit. Many wonderful conversations were had, tears were shed and hugs were given as they learned about the Holocaust in an authentic manner. Thanks again to the Combined Jewish Philanthropies organization for generously donating the tickets to make it possible for us to have this experience.

— Boston Public Schools

“Hello! My students and I wanted to thank you and the philanthropy organizations for funding our admission to ‘Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away.’ They found the field trip very impactful. Their handwritten notes are attached. Thank you again for allowing my students to expand their understanding of the Holocaust and gain a deeper appreciation for the lives who were lost during this tragic moment in history.”

— Brooke Charter Schools

I am the 11th grade history and psychology teacher at Boston Public Schools. I’m writing on behalf of my students and fellow chaperones who were able to experience the ‘Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away.’ exhibit at the Castle at Park Plaza due to your generous donation. The experience allowed my students to learn about and reflect on the Holocaust in a deeper, more meaningful way. As a school that services many low-income families, I would not have been able to bring my 65 11th graders to this exhibit without your financial assistance. My students and I express our sincerest gratitude! Thank you.

— Boston Public Schools