Jews make up just 2.4% of the U.S. population but are the target of 55% of all religious hate crimes.*  

 However, the majority of incidents go unreported.**   We invited our community to share their stories to shed a light on the pervasive antisemitism we face. Their accounts make it clear: The tropes, the offensive stereotypes, and the hate, harassment, and violence haven’t gone away —  but we’re standing in solidarity — and we won’t back down. 

Read real stories

The COVID-19 pandemic was heavy enough. As a practicing physician and the Chair of the Salem Board of Health, Dr. Jeremy Schiller was doing his utmost to protect community members from a virus scientists were racing to understand and navigate in real time. “I had a good relationship with [then Mayor of Salem] Kim Driscoll,...

On July 1, 2021, while standing near the entrance to Shaloh House Jewish Day School in Brighton, Rabbi Shlomo Noginski was approached by a man with a gun who demanded that he give him the keys to his vehicle and then instructed him to get inside the car. Rabbi Noginski, fearing for the lives of...

On a May evening four years ago, Chanie Krinsky had just put her three youngest children to bed when she heard rustling outside of her home, the Chabad Jewish Center in Needham. Thinking it was an expected visitor, she asked her son to greet them at the door, but he reported seeing no one there....

Imagine you’re a sophomore in high school, living in a small, picturesque New England town. You come home from school one day before break, ready to relax, and open your Snapchat to see what your friends are up to. And just like that, you’re confronted with a picture of a swastika made of pennies taken...

It all started with a “harmless” joke. Andie, just beginning their conversion to Judaism, was simply trying to connect with their family at the movies. On any given day, Andie is generally guarded around their family, and with good cause. “A lot of members of my family of origin are pretty homophobic and say a...

“Don’t mind him, he’s just being cheap like a Jew.” When Addie, working as a cashier in Foxborough in 2021, heard those words from a customer watching her companion fumble through his wallet, she felt an immediate physical reaction. But this wasn’t Addie’s first time experiencing antisemitism. Growing up in a small town southwest of...

At a small local gathering, a woman stereotyped me as being anti-science and ignorant. She said that religious Jews are poorly educated, and she hopes our “ridiculous religion” goes away soon so we can stop refusing vaccines. Ironically, I’m an infectious disease biologist with a Ph.D.

While on a group tour in Austria, Hitler’s homeland, unsurprisingly a Holocaust conversation arose. A participant asked if anyone could explain what the Nazis goal was once the “Jewish race” was obliterated. Without missing a beat, immediately I calmly and loudly enough to be heard clearly by the group, stated that Judaism was a religion...

During my senior year of high school, I was sitting in an all-school meeting when the head of students walked on the stage to make an announcement. That morning in a math classroom, swastikas were found drawn on the whiteboard. They did not know who drew them, but the administration promised to get to the...

The summer between my junior and senior year of high school, we took a family vacation with my cousins and grandparents on a cruise to Alaska. When you are trapped on a boat with nothing but family who can drive you crazy, you seek out friends. My cousins, brother and I made friends with some...


Step 1 of 6

Share your story

If you have personally experienced or witnessed an incident of antisemitism, extremism, bias, bigotry, or hate towards Jews, please share your story with us here for possible inclusion on this website.