
Dr. Jeremy Schiller’s story

The COVID-19 pandemic was heavy enough.

As a practicing physician and the Chair of the Salem Board of Health, Dr. Jeremy Schiller was doing his utmost to protect community members from a virus scientists were racing to understand and navigate in real time.

“I had a good relationship with [then Mayor of Salem] Kim Driscoll, and we promoted COVID mitigation strategies that were rooted in science and were progressive and dynamic,” Dr. Schiller says. “Despite overwhelming support from the community, we received a lot of the typical negative responses — and I was ok with that. Science is hard and is always evolving and that is not easy for some to digest and understand.”

However, those responses became personal in December 2021. The Omicron variant was sweeping through Massachusetts and hospitals were dangerously nearing full capacity. The Salem Board of Health, at the urgence of local hospital leaders, instituted a vaccine mandate for local restaurants to help keep area hospitals from a possible catastrophic crisis.

“At that point, there was a real increase in number of those comparing what we were doing to the Holocaust,” Dr. Schiller remembers. “Multiple emails on a daily basis from various people in the community.” Dr. Schiller went out of his way to respond thoughtfully to the emails and educate community members on the actions the Board was taking. However, the correspondences were becoming increasingly antisemitic in nature. Salem’s Health Agent, whose surname sounds Jewish, shared that both he and Dr. Schiller had been the subject of voicemails citing them as “Jews controlling public health.” He also forwarded Dr. Schiller postcards the Board of Health had received that were addressed to “Un ‘Doctor’ Schiller” with a Star of David drawn on it and statements like “FREI” (German for “free”), “GENOCIDE,” and “Justice will come for you” scrawled across them. The Health Department even received a yellow Star of David — badges Jews were forced to wear in Nazi-occupied Europe.

Around this time, a rally was held outside Dr. Schiller’s house (he wasn’t there), organized by Diana Ploss, an independent gubernatorial candidate who, later that week, livestreamed a simulcast of the Board of Health meeting, with hateful comments like, “Look at this Jew, always after money” and “Look at the smug Jew talking” posted on her website. Dr. Schiller, who volunteers in his position as Board Chair, was aghast and disgusted that his efforts to help guide the community safely through the pandemic evolved into an opportunity for antisemites to viciously attack him for the simple fact that he is Jewish.

“It was scary,” Dr. Schiller says. “I contacted Mayor Driscoll and there was no political calculus whatsoever on her part. She immediately released a letter along with the ADL condemning what was going on.” Dr. Schiller also applauds the swift response of Chief Lucas Miller of Salem Police Department in coming to his defense, as well as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Beth Israel Lahey Health, Dr. Kevin Tabb, for reaching out and supporting him.

“To me, there’s a role for condemnation and outrage, but it can’t end there. Education and understanding are critical components to combating antisemitism and hate,” Dr. Schiller says. “That’s why the idea of allyship is so important to me. We can only imagine how many other groups of people feel marginalized. I have a very close family and amazing friends. I can’t imagine how deeply undercutting and painful this would be to someone who doesn’t have that kind of support — because even with that support I can still feel the pain of it today.”


Rabbi Shlomo Noginski’s story

On July 1, 2021, while standing near the entrance to Shaloh House Jewish Day School in Brighton, Rabbi Shlomo Noginski was approached by a man with a gun who demanded that he give him the keys to his vehicle and then instructed him to get inside the car. Rabbi Noginski, fearing for the lives of the school-aged children attending summer camp within the building, ran from the assailant and, in the ensuing struggle that followed on Brighton Commons, was stabbed a total of eight times in broad daylight.

But for every stab wound, for every ache, pain, and hardship that followed in his slow recovery, Rabbi Noginski is only keeping a tally of all the miracles, including — defying comprehension — being in the right place at the right time.

“I have seen G-d’s hand throughout my life,” Rabbi Noginski says.

Growing up in the Soviet Union, Rabbi Noginski’s family was targeted for being Jewish. His mother, a celebrated composer and pianist who had won a national competition and performed in the Kremlin, attracted the attention of antisemites disgusted that a Jew — and a woman — received the award.

The family received multiple death threats and Rabbi Noginski was often physically and verbally attacked. They made aliyah (immigration to Israel) to escape antisemitism in the early 90s and Rabbi Noginski’s mother encouraged him to take up martial arts to defend himself.

Rabbi Noginski believes his black belt in judo played a small role in defending himself from the dozens of relentless stabbing attempts made by his attacker over the course of their struggle that lasted more than 10 minutes. However, he is quick to point to a series of divine interventions for his ability to stave off more serious or even fatal injuries, rather than his “physical prowess.”

“It is G-d’s protection that is the real assistance,” he says. “But the real miracle is that I was outside of the school accidentally. If I came out earlier or later, this young man would have had unhindered access to the school and the camp, and it could’ve been much worse.”

Rabbi Noginski sustained six stab wounds to his left arm and hand and two to his abdomen. The attacker, who was discovered to have a history of using antisemitic slurs, was charged with hate crimes, as well as assault with intent to murder and attempted armed robbery, and the investigation is ongoing.

“In the short term, I simply could not perform any manual physical labor with my left hand or bear any weight, and one of the deeper wounds in my left shoulder affects my ability to do heavy lifting with my left arm,” Rabbi Noginski says. “In terms of emotional rehabilitation, that’s another story.”

Rabbi Noginski sees this attack as “a second birthday,” a blessing, and proof of G-d’s presence in his life. He’s using this incident to infuse the community with “more light and positivity” and has already opened a new Rabbinic Studies program at the school.

“Going forward, I feel I’ve been charged with a mission of doing more than I was before,” he says. “Anything that happens is directed by G-d, and this only strengthens my Jewish pride and identity.”


Chanie Krinsky’s story

On a May evening four years ago, Chanie Krinsky had just put her three youngest children to bed when she heard rustling outside of her home, the Chabad Jewish Center in Needham.

Thinking it was an expected visitor, she asked her son to greet them at the door, but he reported seeing no one there. Right afterward, her husband, Rabbi Mendy Krinsky, returned home with groceries and Chanie smelled smoke.

“I’m very sensitive to it because I had been in a serious house fire when I was younger,” Chanie explains. Mendy searched inside for the source of the smell and couldn’t find anything when Chanie remembered that the Chabad Center for Jewish Life of Arlington-Belmont, the home of Rabbi Avi Bukiet and his wife, Luna, had been set on fire just days earlier. She urged Mendy to look outside.

When Mendy opened the door, their son peeked his head out and immediately noticed small flames licking at the side of the house, near the entrance to the synagogue. Because of the rain, because of their access to a fire extinguisher, or, as Mendy and Chanie believe, because of divine intervention, they were able to contain the damage to the exterior and put out the fire before the fire department arrived on the scene.

“As soon as I heard that there was a fire, I woke up the kids who were already in bed, carrying them, half-awake, out of the house and into the car,” Chanie says. From there, Chanie sent out a message to other Chabad residents in their network, explaining what had happened. “I said, we’re safe, be careful out there, you know, in case this person was going around doing this to other places,” she recalls.

Through her chat group, she learned that the Bukiets, once again, had their Chabad set on fire that very evening, just 40 minutes earlier.

“It was hard for us to sleep that night, knowing this person was still out there, knowing that someone was trying to burn our house down,” Chanie says.

The next day — Shabbat — brought hope.

“The number of flowers and gifts and messages of support that we received from the community was so touching,” Chanie says. “Two women from the community suggested holding the Havdalah ceremony outside our house after the sabbath ended, and they told the local temples and churches. We came out of the house on Saturday night and there were more than 400 people there — the police blocked the street. We prayed, we sang songs, it was so moving.”

At the time, people were saying, “Maybe take down the menorah in front of your house, maybe you should hide it, or remove your address online,” Chanie says. “We said, ‘Absolutely not. We’re not going to hide.’ On the contrary, we believe this event and similar ones should be an impetus for growth. The best way to combat antisemitism is to be stronger and prouder Jews.”

“Until the indictment, there was no way to know for sure that it was antisemitism, but we knew even then,” Chanie says. “We’ll never know why he chose ours and the Bukiet’s — but they were both the homes of the Chabad rabbis and their families.”

The man accused of the Chabad arson died before justice could be served, but the mark from the fire remains on the house and, since then, one of her sons was targeted for being Jewish and physically assaulted in Manhattan.

“Sometimes the world can feel scary, but you need to move on, you can’t live with that heaviness,” Chanie says. “We have to be aware, but we trust in G-d and move on. We can’t let this stop us.”


Sam’s* story

Imagine you’re a sophomore in high school, living in a small, picturesque New England town. You come home from school one day before break, ready to relax, and open your Snapchat to see what your friends are up to. And just like that, you’re confronted with a picture of a swastika made of pennies taken in one of the classrooms of your high school. Sam* doesn’t have to imagine. She and her friend lived it.

Back when Sam and her friend experienced this incident in high school, they had already endured years of cutting comments about their Jewish heritage from their classmates and friends, saying things like “Do you live in little Israel?“ or “I didn’t know Jews were allowed to go trick or treating.” And they shrugged them off because they didn’t want to make waves with people who clearly didn’t understand how offensive they were being.

But when that swastika was posted, it was a step too far to ignore anymore. Enough was enough. “This was posted on social media, so a broad amount of people were seeing it compared to when someone just says a comment to you. You don’t have proof per se, but this was posted, and however many friends he had on Snapchat were however many people were seeing the post,” Sam says.

Sam and her friend decided it was time to make a change. At first, they kept it a secret because they didn’t know if people would understand. When their friends approached them, Sam said, “I’m a minority here. None of you are Jewish and I didn’t know how you were going to react because I was doing something against one of our friends.” They needed help. After talking with their parents, they boldly reached out to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

The ADL answered the girls’ call and introduced them to a program called A World of Difference Institute that educates and trains faculty and students on how to deal with issues of discrimination of all types. But there was a slight problem. They needed funding to get the program off the ground in their school. To their relief and delight, the community stepped up. Parents, local businesses, and their high school PCO worked together to raise over $7,000 in just a few short weeks.

To this day, Sam and her friend’s courage to ask for help continues to better their hometown. “My youngest brother who’s seven years younger than me is at my high school now, and he’s being taught these things [by A World of Difference Institute] […] It’s really important to me to know that they are still doing it and they are still educating the teachers and the kids.”

Sam knows that the work isn’t done. “It’s so weird to me because I just graduated college and I feel like I’m still actively doing things for this, and I was 16 years old when I first started. I did not think that six or seven years later this would be staying with me.” Even though antisemitic incidents are up all over America and “it’s a really scary time to be a Jewish woman,” Sam keeps moving forward. “I like to help out as much as I can. People still reach out to me asking if I can help and I try and do that in the best way possible.”

By sharing her and her friend’s story again, Sam has given hope to the next generation one more time.

* Name changed upon request due to safety concerns. 


Andie’s story

It all started with a “harmless” joke.

Andie, just beginning their conversion to Judaism, was simply trying to connect with their family at the movies. On any given day, Andie is generally guarded around their family, and with good cause. “A lot of members of my family of origin are pretty homophobic and say a lot of really insensitive or offensive things — before and after I came out.” Ready to endure and respond to this kind of behavior, they set off to hopefully make the best of an evening together.

But their cousin had other ideas. Andie was extremely close with this cousin and his sister, “they were basically two extra members of my family.” But “as we grew up, he really started saying and doing things that were not ok — being really sexist, being really homophobic.” And Andie tried to avoid him and stay in a space that made them feel safe, but he caught them off guard.

While waiting in line for popcorn, their cousin decided now was his moment. He said, “Why are the rabbis running down the street? They were chasing a penny.” Andie was stunned. They were ready to hear offensive comments, but not about their newly found religion. Andie’s safe space was torn apart.

No one thought there was anything wrong with Andie’s cousin’s casual antisemitism, not even their mother, who as a devout Christian that believes Christians are persecuted in American society, might be the one person to truly get it. But she simply dismissed Andie’s concern with, “Don’t pay attention to it.”

Andie’s family has a history of not understanding where they’re coming from. “I’m neurodivergent, I do and say weird things and I have a very funky sense of humor, and I kind of feel like that puts a target on me a little bit with my family.” And on top of that, they grew up in a far-right-leaning, religious household where they were told their whole lives that being gay was bad — “It’s sinful.”

They were taught that religion was not a welcoming place for all, until they discovered there was more out there than what their family believed. “When I explored more about other religions I was like, ‘Oh, so it’s not all bad, it can even be a really positive thing in somebody’s life.’”

They’ve since become more devoutly Jewish and find it healing, Shabbat in particular. “It’s an anticapitalistic practice that’s very important to me in my life, and also, as somebody with a lot of chronic illnesses, I need time where I am basically just doing nothing to heal my body and rest my neshama (soul) after a long week of working.”

Still, when they go to visit their family, they aren’t being respected or accepted, so they try and find ways to work around their family’s expectations, like dressing in ways that will be approved of — shorts and a t-shirt instead of long sleeves and a long skirt — or trying to keep kosher in their own quiet way even though their grandmother insists on offering them shrimp in a manner that feels to Andie like it’s a “power play.”

Fortunately, Andie has found their chosen family — people who make them feel seen — throughout their conversion to Judaism while at college and beyond into their new life. “I live 3,000 miles away now and I’ve cultivated a really good group of people who understand my quirks, and I feel very loved.”

And so, it didn’t all start with a joke, but maybe that’s where it all ends.


Addie’s story

“Don’t mind him, he’s just being cheap like a Jew.”

When Addie, working as a cashier in Foxborough in 2021, heard those words from a customer watching her companion fumble through his wallet, she felt an immediate physical reaction.

But this wasn’t Addie’s first time experiencing antisemitism.

Growing up in a small town southwest of Boston, Addie remembers being one of a handful of Jewish kids in her graduating class of 360 students. From the cliques that formed around church groups to being singled out during her history class unit on Judaism, pervasive feelings and messages of otherness were omnipresent throughout her formative years.

During a lecture on dictators in her freshman year, a classmate turned to her and said, “Addie, you need to go hide because the Nazis are going to come for you.”

“I didn’t think too much of it when it happened,” Addie recalls. “I was a shy kid. I went through the day, didn’t say anything to my teachers, didn’t say anything to anyone else, but I came home and was telling my mom about school, and I said, ‘Oh, this kid said this to me,’ and she sort of just stopped in her tracks and was like, ‘What? Can you repeat that?’ She said, ‘You know that’s not ok, right?’ I told her that I knew it was wrong, but I didn’t know what to do.”

Her father called the school, and Addie remembers feeling embarrassed, fearing reprisal and not wanting to draw additional attention to herself. After she met with the principal and told him what happened, the boy was moved across the room away from her, but he never apologized. “I think I kind of knew that nothing was going to be done,” Addie says.

Her mom and dad, however, insisted that calling it out was necessary. “Even if I didn’t realize it at the time, I’m glad they did it, it was a learning and growing moment for me to realize that things like this happen and they happen often.”

During her senior year, a teacher told Addie that her congestion from a cold made her sound like “an old Jewish woman from New York.”

“I had to hold myself back — she was an adult and an authority figure,” Addie says. “Now, looking back, I know I should’ve done or said something. That was another moment.”

Addie believes that these “moments” helped shape her into the person she is today and gave her the courage and confidence to speak up that day in Foxborough.  

Noticing that the man was looking at her and toward Addie with embarrassment, the woman continued, “Oh don’t worry, she’s not Jewish.”

Heart racing, Addie says that she “put the customer service part of [herself] aside” and said, “Actually, yes I am, and you shouldn’t say things like that.” She says that the woman seemed ashamed of what she said but didn’t offer an apology, and Addie’s manager gave her the time to step away and calm down after she explained what occurred.

While she knows antisemitism is never going to completely go away, Addie isn’t hiding, and these experiences have only strengthened her Jewish identity. “I hate that it happened, but I’m proud of myself for getting through it,” Addie says, noting that she shares these incidents as often as she can to encourage others to fight back. “I define it as a source of pride. It’s a badge of honor.”


The Education Our Children Deserve 

By Rabbi Marc Baker

As a lifelong educator, high school teacher, Jewish communal leader, and the parent of four high school and college students, I feel acutely attuned to both the rhythm of the school year and to the sacred responsibility of schools, universities, and the teachers and leaders who populate them.  

This year feels different.  

For many Jewish students and educators who left classes in the spring after what can only be called a perilous time, the normal anxieties and anticipation associated with going back to school are heightened. The stakes feel higher.  

Since the horrific attacks on Israel by Hamas, many in the Jewish community and our allies have witnessed more antisemitism and demonization of Israel than we imagined we would see in our lifetimes. One Brookline public school teacher wrote recently about walking into school “with trepidation” as vicious anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli rhetoric became commonplace. Jewish student and faculty experiences of the changing school climate were downplayed or outright ignored. I have heard similar stories from countless other students, parents, and faculty members, including my own child’s experience on a college campus. This moment offers an opportunity for educators and administrators to ask themselves: What are our moral obligations to our students, their families, and the society of which we are a part?  What must we do differently this year in order to do our jobs? 

What we’ve seen playing out on college campuses and in K–12 schools is a dangerous combination of ignorance about Jewish history and the history of Israel and the contemporary Middle East and purist ideology that vilifies those perceived as powerful and conversely glorifies the powerless. This manufactured binary is what enables otherwise intelligent people to turn what should be diverse and complex learning communities into ideologically homogeneous communities of activists. This is how students can come to denigrate critical inquiry and political moderation as morally weak and privileged. 

These trends come from a minority that consists of radical student activists, outside groups and bad actors, and yes, teachers and professors. 

As a member of the Jewish community, I am obviously concerned about the experience of Jewish students and faculty and believe that it is the responsibility of schools to ensure that they are safe and able to learn. But, as an American, especially as this school year contains a presidential election rife with toxic polarization, ideological extremism, and culture wars, I see antisemitism and Israel as case studies — or proof points — of the broader and deeper reckoning in education right now. 

In his book Healing the Heart of Democracy, Parker Palmer writes about the role of schools in reweaving our social fabric and strengthening American democracy.  

In too many settings, instead of teaching our young people to embrace complexity and what Palmer calls “tension-inducing questions” that have no easy answers, educators have embraced scholar-activism, infusing their lesson plans, research, and teaching with political agendas. They transmit unexamined dogmas about the world that foster moral self-righteousness and justify excluding and discriminating against others, including but not limited to those who believe that the State of Israel has a right to exist. We see this in the Massachusetts Teachers’ Association’s endorsed curriculum and professional development about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and it is egregious educational malpractice. 

In and out of classrooms, it is the job of school and university administrators to demand more of their teachers and to build learning communities that are hospitable to the humble pursuit of truth and wrestling with the messiness of value conflicts. 

Recently, several national organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League and Hillel International, published a comprehensive set of recommendations for universities to ensure the safety and thriving of Jewish students — and all students — this coming school year. They focus on clear communication of rules and regulations regarding protests, supporting Jewish students, mandating antisemitism training, guaranteeing physical safety, and reaffirming the professional responsibilities of their faculty. These recommendations are a good start, and they are relevant for other educational settings as well. 

At the most basic level, institutions can begin by enforcing rules to ensure that all students are included on campus, not merely certain groups, and to ensure no students or faculty are permitted to violate the safety and dignity of others, even in the name of their own notions of justice and morality. Allowing Jewish or Israeli students to be silenced in and out of the classroom — including by protesters who call for their total removal from campus — can no longer be the standard in academic institutions.  

While education in America is in many ways at a crossroads and there is much work to do, it is also the case that schools and universities offer the greatest hope for the future of our country and our civilization. But it is essential that educators and administrators recommit themselves to the essential principles of liberal education and expect their students and faculty to practice curiosity, critical thinking, reflection, and dialogue, especially with different perspectives and people with whom they disagree. At a time when social media and its inherent disinformation has replaced the methodical processes of knowledge acquisition and skill building, these “traditional” hallmarks of great education have never been more essential.  

If our educators and administrators return to the fundamentals of teaching, learning, and leadership, they can create the learning environments that their students deserve, and that prepare a new next generation of caring and compassionate, knowledgeable and sophisticated, values-driven and morally purposeful citizens and leaders. Our country and our world need them now.  

To learn more about the work of CJP’s Center for Combating Antisemitism in K–12 schools and on campuses throughout Greater Boston, visit our webpage.   

Rabbi Marc Baker
As President and CEO of Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston (CJP), Marc leads the organization in its mission to inspire Jewish life and ignite positive change in Greater Boston, in Israel, and across the globe. He champions CJP’s efforts to build partnerships, develop resources, mobilize volunteers, and put innovative philanthropy into practice. Marc regularly writes, speaks, and teaches about leadership, community, and civic life, bringing the voice of Jewish tradition to contemporary issues.

Marc graduated from Yale University in 1997 with a Bachelor of Arts in religious studies and received his Master’s in Jewish education from The Hebrew University in 2002. Before coming to CJP, Marc served as Head of School at Gann Academy in Waltham. Born in Lynnfield, Marc currently resides in Brookline with his wife, Jill, and they have four children.


Back-To-School Reflections

By Melissa Garlick, CJP’s Senior Director of Combating Antisemitism and Building Civic Engagement

We know that the months ahead will continue to be challenging and unprecedented times as schools enter a new school year and the anniversary of the 10/7 attacks approaches. Just four months ago, we witnessed with deep concern protests on college campuses across the country in reaction to events in Israel—some of which used dehumanizing rhetoric justifying violence against Jews and escalated the spread of antisemitism on campuses and beyond. During this time, Jewish students were not only resilient—they also modeled vibrant, proud, and joyful Judaism in the face of these tensions 

The hard news: As the war in Israel continues, we should expect protests and encampments to return with students this fall. Much more remains to be done to educate students, faculty, and administrators on antisemitism, what Zionism means, and create spaces for constructive conversation with room for nuance.  

The better news: CJP’s CCA is prepared to meet the need for security and incident support, engagement between Jewish community and campus administrators, stronger policies by administrators, and support for Jewish students and faculty. We are working with greater strategic clarity and deeper collaboration than ever to embrace and protect our students.

Find resources and toolkits for addressing antisemitism in K-12 schools and college campuses.


Leaning Into Jewish Joy on Campus 

By Kate Whitney

“What’s antisemitism like on campus?” 

Jen Stone, associate director of Northeastern University Hillel, says that’s the first question every parent asks her at Admitted Students’ Day on campus.  

The students, she says, inquire about Hillel’s programs or how they can get involved. “It’s the other side of the same question,” she explains. “They’re asking if Jewish life is vibrant.” 

Nationwide, campuses have seen everything from harassment to encampments to outright violence. Antisemitic incidents have skyrocketed. But Stone and her colleagues are prepping for the fall semester following one of the most challenging years for Jewish students with excitement. 

“We’re really lucky to have such a supportive administrative staff at Northeastern and we work hard to ensure we’re creating a student experience that centers around leadership, Jewish joy, and an enduring commitment to Jewish life on campus, Israel, tzedek (the act of giving generously), and tikkun olam (repairing the world),” Stone says. 

“Our engagement numbers were up last year for sure,” Stone continues. “We saw more students, more often, and we saw students who just really wanted to be surrounded by their Jewish peers. The tone definitely changed. It was harder to just be Jewish on campus, and it was crucial for students to be able to be around one another. Our building became more vibrant because there was a need to have that space.” 

“I’m not just a college student. I’m a Jewish college student.” 

Gabi Bailey, a senior majoring in bioengineering and biochemistry on a pre-med track, is one of those Northeastern University students who truly “found a home” at Hillel.  

“It was a really scary time after Oct. 7,” Bailey says. “And I felt really isolated among my non-Jewish friends. I had never felt that separation before, that sense of otherness, and my perception of the world was shifting. I saw a lot of people who were not Jewish making so many judgments, having no idea how intimately Jews’ sense of safety is tied to the existence of Israel, and making assumptions about my values. For the first time since I was in school, I couldn’t pay attention; I was constantly scrolling through the news on my phone. And I realized, I’m not just a college student, I’m a Jewish college student.” 

(Photo courtesy of Northeastern Hillel)

Bailey’s engagement with Israel and Jewish life was already strong before Oct. 7: She’s been to Israel on an Onward Israel summer internship program and has been involved with service work through Repair the World, frequently volunteering her time at Yachad and Hebrew SeniorLife. When things became difficult on campuses, Bailey couldn’t engage with the hate, but leaned into her love for Jewish life.  

“There’s a place and a need for those kinds of leaders,” she says. “And I think there are different roles for different people. This past year, I’ve had to get solid and secure in my values and deeply consider my place in this.” 

This year, she’s acting as Hillel’s social programming chair and, although the issues on campus likely won’t have disappeared, she’s looking forward to the year ahead. 

“My mindset is to focus on community completely,” Bailey says. “I want to have fun and get closer to people, I’m excited for Shabbat, I’m focused on tikkun olam. I would tell incoming students: No matter how religious you are, try Hillel, try Chabad. There’s really something for everyone.”  

Stone too hopes that Jewish students see Hillel as their pipeline for friendship, wellness, and leadership opportunities. Thanks to a Campus Education & Allyship Challenge grant from CJP’s Center for Combating Antisemitism (CCA), they’re piloting a Campus Antisemitism Peer Educators (CAPE) program designed to send student leaders onto the campus community for peer-to-peer conversations about identifying and preventing Jewish hate. 

“As a nonprofit, we wouldn’t have the capacity to do this on our own,” Stone says. “CJP’s CCA connected us to Project Shema for assistance with this program, so, not only are they funding us, but they’re making crucial connections for us.”

70 student leaders meet for a Boston-Area Student Hillel Leadership Conference on February 4, 2024. (Photo courtesy of Meir Zimmerman)
70 student leaders meet for a Boston-Area Student Hillel Leadership Conference on Feb. 4, 2024. (Photo courtesy of Northeastern Hillel)

CJP also hosted nearly 70 student leaders for a Boston-Area Student Hillel Leadership Conference on Feb. 4, 2024, where they heard from speakers from Hillel International and CJP’s president and CEO, Rabbi Marc Baker.  

“Here are college-aged young adults going into downtown Boston on a Sunday to spend their day off meeting in conference rooms to learn, grow, and develop as Jewish leaders on campus—it was a real investment in our students, and we couldn’t have done it without CJP,” Stone says. 

That investment in the students is what’s motivating Stone and the rest of Northeastern’s Hillel staff as they plan for what’s ahead, focusing on being “radically welcoming, developing and fostering leadership opportunities for those who want them, and creating a safe space for students who just want to hang out and do their homework around their Jewish peers.” 

“We are still keeping the hostages in our hearts, and we are acutely aware there’s still a war in the Middle East—and, at the same time, there’s also this desire for joy and a passion for community,” Stone says. “You also have students juggling everyday college challenges: managing a class schedule that’s not 7-2, eating in dining halls, interpersonal conflicts, and roommate issues—we’re here for all of it. We don’t want students walking onto campus scared; we want to empower them to be proud Jewish people and know that they have the resources and a safety net.” 

Kate Whitney is the associate creative director at CJP.


Empowered to Act: CJP’s Center for Combating Antisemitism’s Handbook on Effective Community Mobilization for Confronting and Preventing Antisemitism 

One of the key advantages of CJP’s CCA is our ability to leverage national and local best practices and bring them to Greater Boston. We’re seeing it all: Our partnership network is made up of colleagues from every corner of the country and, like us, they are developing immediate interventions and testing strategic plans over time. 

A key driver in our ability to be effective in advancing and scaling CJP’s CCA work and slow the spread of antisemitism is grassroots action, and community members are critical to this movement. Through five recommendations, this handbook provides a set of actions you can take; these recommendations are intended to uplift and amplify the grassroots efforts of our volunteers and wider Jewish community in their day-to-day efforts.   

Some recommendations are focused on short-term, urgent tactics, and others we know will yield powerful long-term results. In all cases, it is critical to highlight that you are the heartbeat of our movement—our children, young adults, and neighbors depend on our cohesive efforts. It is not always easy to build strategic alignment when the subject matter is difficult and rife with our individual experience of pain. But in each difficult time for our people, we survive and flourish when we stand together.   

Continue to read each recommendation, or jump to a specific section using the links below:

Confronting and preventing antisemitism in the workplace

Jewish leaders across various Boston workplaces gathering to learn best practices on Jewish Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) from Oren Jacobson, Executive Director at Project Shema, May 2024
Jewish leaders across various Boston workplaces gathering to learn best practices on Jewish employee resource groups (ERGs) from Oren Jacobson, executive director at Project Shema, in May 2024 (Photo: Molly Kazan)

For most adult Jews in Greater Boston, the largest time spent in social interaction is at work, and therefore CJP’s CCA is aligning with partners to foster safe environments for Jewish employees across Greater Boston’s workplaces. Many local companies and organizations have launched diversity and inclusion programs to support their most vulnerable populations, but these structures have too often left Jewish experiences outside of these conversations and without access to necessary support.  

CJP’s CCA has launched a strategic, coordinated effort to create a support network within Boston-based companies by funding intracompany trainings on the dangers of antisemitism and fostering safe environments for Jewish employees, and by connecting networks of companies dedicated to workplace support of Jews.  

Where your advocacy in the workplace can start

Jewish employee resource groups (ERGs) are an excellent workplace vehicle to begin to create, or grow, your company’s support for Jewish employees. If you are involved in your company’s Jewish ERG or are considering creating one, we can help you implement best-in-class antisemitism workplace trainings and connect you to a growing network (30 companies across Greater Boston thus far!) of groups that are exchanging ideas and interventions to make their workplace experience safer. 

Key action

Bring CJP’s CCA-sponsored trainings and resources to your workplace by filling out this form. Delivered by expert facilitators at Project Shema, the trainings for workplace leaders, DEI professionals, and ERGs at your company can be transformational to Jewish and non-Jewish colleagues and prepare them for solidarity and allyship when it’s needed the most. If you don’t already have a Jewish ERG at your place of work, learn how to advocate for one.  

Confronting and preventing antisemitism through productive engagement with government leaders 

Massachusetts State House in Boston

CJP’s CCA vision of making antisemitism socially and politically unacceptable in Greater Boston will rely on our ability to engage productively with government leaders. Their voices can amplify ours and help prevent future acts and manifestations of antisemitism in our community. Our expectation is that our elected leaders listen to our worries, hear our stories with care, and are motivated to speak loudly in our support—especially in crisis—without being asked.  

This ideal outcome, however, does not happen on its own; it’s the result of individual and collective strategic actions.  

Where your advocacy with government leadership can start

Know who your local, state and federal representatives are; familiarize yourself with your local council structure, local school board, and key stakeholders in the Massachusetts legislature. You’ll find that your representatives are meeting with the public often about communal priorities; by becoming engaged civically, you’ll create opportunities for positive relationship-building with local leadership.   

Key resource

We partner with the excellent leadership of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston (JCRC), who are professional advocates in the local, state, and federal government. The JCRC senior staff work daily to keep a drumbeat of important conversations live with our key stakeholders. They keep our volunteers engaged and informed about political and policy priorities. JCRC also connects our community to mobilize in support of our combating and preventing antisemitism priorities. If you and your community have identified a gap of support and believe that your representative needs additional education and training about our priorities, CJP’s CCA and JCRC staff can guide toward the right conversations, and we encourage you to let us know.  

Read more about this leadership model in action

Empowered conversations with K-12 administrators and educators  

(Photo courtesy of Combined Jewish Philanthropies)

Your advocacy on behalf of your children—and all our children in Greater Boston—is crucial. ADL’s 2023 report on antisemitism in Greater Boston documented 600 instances of antisemitism (including a massive surge after Oct. 7), and our school settings are not immune to this trend. We know that anti-Jewish bias exists in educational entities across this community, and we’ve sourced best practices from across the country to help our Jewish parents be well-positioned for successful conversations.  

Where your advocacy can start

CJP’s CCA aims to empower community members with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to effectively engage with school administrators and educators when antisemitic incidents happen in the classroom. Alongside our strategic partners, we also invest in relationships with key stakeholders in the local education ecosystem to promote safe and inclusive classroom climates where Jewish students are valued and embraced.  

Key resource

We are strong believers in preventing antisemitism through thoughtful engagement with educators and administrators. This primer is essential reading for successful dialogues in school settings, and trainings for parents and for educators and administrators are available through CJP’s CCA

Additional K-12 Resources:
  • K-12 Jewish Parents Resource Guide from Project Shema: A comprehensive guide to support Jewish parents in fostering a safe and inclusive environment for their children.
  • K-12 Admin & Staff Resource Guide from Project Shema: A resource aimed at helping school administrators and staff create a supportive atmosphere for Jewish students.

Confronting and preventing antisemitism on Greater Boston’s college campuses

Julia Freedman, a student at Boston College, speaks at CJP’s Stand up for Jewish Students rally in April 2024 (Photo: Collin Howell)

Since launching this April at the height of campus tensions related to the Hamas attacks and ensuing wars, our Center for Combating Antisemitism has regularly convened a roundtable of Greater Boston Hillel, Chabads, and our key campus organizers, bringing national partners and resources to these local conversations. Through these roundtables, we align on strategy, tactics, and execution of proactive and responsive initiatives to uplift our Jewish students and enable them to engage with their campus community and their studies without fear. We closely and regularly interact with students and Jewish organizations on campus to understand their needs, understand opportunities, and coordinate action.  

In this space, we not only lean into our role of convener, but also that of innovative funder. CJP’s CCA has placed hundreds of thousands of dollars in surge funding of pilot programs on Greater Boston campuses in response to the dangerous rise of antisemitism in our community, alongside funding for long-term partners who are the foundational infrastructure for joyful Jewish student life on campuses. 

Where your advocacy for Jewish students on campus can start

We are committed to uplifting our local Jewish students; sometimes that means showing up in huge swaths of support, like our community rally for students this past April, which drew over 1,500 attendees. Subscribe to CJP’s CCA Newsletter and CJP’s CCA WhatsApp Group to be regularly invited to opportunities like these.  

Key resource

Learn more about what actions we’re asking colleges and universities to take during the coming school year so you can effectively echo these recommendations. Locally, learn about innovative programs that CJP is supporting on several campuses to increase education on antisemitism and allyship with other communities.

Additional Campus Resources

Responding to community-based incidents

(Courtesy photo)

Your family’s safety and well-being are the central priorities for all communal work confronting antisemitism. We encourage every community member to report an incident of antisemitism as soon as it takes place. This allows our local key partners and resources to be coordinated and help you in the immediate aftermath and in recovery.  

Key resource

Know how to report and respond to an antisemitic incident.  


CJP’s Center for Combating Antisemitism Grant Pool Winners Announced 

CJP’s Center for Combating Antisemitism (CCA) just released $245,000 of fighting antisemitism grants into our community through our Ally Challenge and Campus Education & Allyships grants. 

Both grant opportunities were geared toward investing in and increasing hyper-local community engagement and mobilization in this work. Notably, there were a diverse range of applicants, from artists to congregations to interfaith initiatives with projects designed to increase allyship between Jewish communities and other marginalized communities.  

“After extensive vetting and assessment, we are awarding this support to seven strategic community-based projects well-positioned for moving the needle toward our shared vision of making antisemitism politically and socially unacceptable in Greater Boston,” says Melissa Garlick, CJP’s senior director of combating antisemitism and building civic engagement. “We’re grateful for the incredible staff and volunteers at CCA who are helping us shape a more joyful, safe, and healthy future for our community.” 

Here are the details:  

Ally Challenge grant winners: 

CJP’s CCA is granting $105,000 to three organizations and grassroot initiatives as part of our inaugural Ally Challenge grant pool launched this spring. We are proud to support these artists, interfaith congregations, and hyper-local projects in our ongoing fight against antisemitism. 

  • Arts for Social Cohesion: For In Our Words (IOW), a moving multimedia performance of real-world stories, told by community members via theatrical projection, together with live original score and narration crafted by a world-class artistic team. IOW will deepen relationships between members of a Boston-area synagogue and neighboring church through stirring stories around what unites them. 
  • Lexington United Against Antisemitism (LUAA): An interfaith and cross-community initiative to build relationships through events and dialogue across Lexington.  
  • Temple Shir Tikva (in partnership with Greater Framingham Community Church): For “Our Civil Rights Story”—programming and dialogues between temple and church communities, building on a history of solidarity and allyship, with a capstone civil rights journey to the South with teen and adult cohorts.

Campus Education & Allyship grant winners: 

CJP’s CCA is granting $140,000 to four campus organizations as part of the inaugural Campus Education & Allyship Challenge grant pool launched this spring. We are proud to invest in these innovative, wide-reaching campus organizations and hone our strategy to support Boston-area campuses with high potential and high impact.   

  • BU Hillel: To expand their existing program targeting Jewish and non-Jewish students on antisemitism education and advocacy. 
  • Jewish on Campus: To expand their work and establish Jewish on Campus chapters at two Boston-area campuses.   
  • MEOR : To support a new fellowship program for students and in collaboration with Jewish and non-Jewish faculty at Harvard University. 
  • Northeastern Hillel: To pilot an antisemitism peer education program at Northeastern University, developing a cohort of student peer educators.