Jews make up just 2.4% of the U.S. population but are the target of 55% of all religious hate crimes.*  

 However, the majority of incidents go unreported.**   We invited our community to share their stories to shed a light on the pervasive antisemitism we face. Their accounts make it clear: The tropes, the offensive stereotypes, and the hate, harassment, and violence haven’t gone away —  but we’re standing in solidarity — and we won’t back down. 

Read real stories

The first time I ever experienced antisemitism I was 10 years old. I knew 5th grade girls were already capable of being vicious and spiteful, but this seemed to be on another level. I was being bullied by girls who used to be my friends. It was 2009 and cyberbullying was becoming popular. I had...

Years ago, I trained as a therapist. During our orientation, I was wearing a Star of David necklace. The clinical supervisor noted it, and very specifically called out that we should not wear jewelry with religious symbolism when working with clients “in case it disturbs the clients.” Frankly, I wouldn’t want to work with clients...

In December of last year, our synagogue noticed a swastika etched into a parking sign in the parking lot. When I first read the email letting the congregation know, I was heartbroken and appalled. This is where I drop my daughter off for Sunday school. This is in a community full of Jews. This is...

When I was an 18-year-old student coming home from my first trip to college, I was taking the bus back from Albany, NY, to NYC and the bus was full. I got the last seat on the bus so I couldn’t move my seat if I wanted to. I sat next to an older man...

My high school boyfriend wouldn’t let me meet his parents because I was Jewish. – Samantha*

During college in a small town in Indiana, someone that I thought was a good friend would constantly make “jokes” to me about ovens and gas chambers. *Name has been changed.

I was in the pharmaceutical sales field and my sales manager often scheduled sales meetings on major Jewish holidays because “most of the doctors were Jewish” and their offices would be closed.

When I had my daughter (many years ago now), my manager asked how I was going to raise my daughter Jewish. I still don’t really understand the question; how did he raise his daughters Catholic?

I was at dinner with a number of coworkers and a supplier who decided to tell “jokes.” The very first was “What is the favorite line of Jews in football…..Get the quarter back.” Of course, I, like 99.99% of Jews, just shrugged it off and gave him a wincing look. The problem is that it...

Many years ago, we had a yard sale. A man came up and was looking at some pants, neatly folded, looking new. And then he said something I will always remember: “These pants are from Jews; they use a lot of starch.” I was speechless. It wasn’t much, but it was enough hate to last...


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Share your story

If you have personally experienced or witnessed an incident of antisemitism, extremism, bias, bigotry, or hate towards Jews, please share your story with us here for possible inclusion on this website.