Jews make up just 2.4% of the U.S. population but are the target of 55% of all religious hate crimes.*  

 However, the majority of incidents go unreported.**   We invited our community to share their stories to shed a light on the pervasive antisemitism we face. Their accounts make it clear: The tropes, the offensive stereotypes, and the hate, harassment, and violence haven’t gone away —  but we’re standing in solidarity — and we won’t back down. 

Read real stories

Last fall, while waiting to cross the street to go to Gillette Stadium for a Patriots game, there was a group of us waiting for the police to let us go. Randomly, a man said, “It’s like being guided to the ovens.” I said, “That is not funny.” He said, “Well it’s the way they...

When I was in 5th grade, one of my peers came up to me and told me that on Monday, it was “kick a Jew day.” When I came into school on Monday I was kicked by many of my classmates.


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Share your story

If you have personally experienced or witnessed an incident of antisemitism, extremism, bias, bigotry, or hate towards Jews, please share your story with us here for possible inclusion on this website.